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The willows

Lesson Learned


Halloween has always been my favorite part of the year. You get to dress up as gory, spooky beings and get candy. What's not to love? That having been said, my friends and I have continued the tradition of 'trick or treating' long after our little kid years. Though some frowned upon it, we thought it was one of the funniest things in the world to do. Living in a small town does that to you. It was last Halloween that things went from playful to dangerous. 

Before I continue, however, I just want to say that what happened was because of our own stupidity. It was our fault, plain and simple. So don't go and blame it on the religion. My two friends, whom I'll call friend A, and friend B, and I had just discovered the religion Wicca a few weeks before. Friend B's mother was Wiccan, and had let us borrow a few books to read up on since we were curious about it. It was around midnight, and we had just gotten back from commandeering my mother's car to take a visit to the cemetery that lies a few miles out of town. 

We didn't go to ruin any graves, or pitiful things like that, we'd gone to simply admire the stones and just be away from everything. None of us had gotten out of the car, being as when one of us is freaked out, the panic spreads like a disease. But as I was saying, we were in my trailer twirling around our glow sticks when we caught sight of the books on Wicca, which B had brought over. Friend A, who is hyper sensitive and knew more about Wicca than B and me, thought we should cast a circle. 

For those of you who have never practiced or studied Wicca, it means to cast spells or thank the deities and stuff like that. Being a newbie, I thought it'd be okay. So we gathered the candles and sat in a circle on my living room floor. We went through the process of 'purifying' the circle, and said words that A suggested. Friend A still won't say what those words meant, but I know enough that they weren't good. It was a few nights later that I learned never to be that reckless again. I had most of the lights on in the trailer, and I was walking to the couch so I could eat supper. 

My mom's room is to the right of the living room, and so I had a pretty good view as the door to her room slammed shut with force. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, it felt like it might jump straight out of my chest. I set my plate down and sat on the couch, curling myself in a ball and looking at the now closed door. I thought it had been closed, but I was wrong, because the door was slightly ajar. A pale white face, with empty eye sockets peeked through the slit in the door, looking straight my way. 

At first I thought I was just imagining things. I hoped I was imagining things. I looked away, and opened up my laptop, which had been on sleep mode the entire time, and messaged one of my friends that lives a couple blocks away, asking if I could stay the night. After she said yes, I closed down the computer. That's when I began to hear voices, both male and female. They sounded right next to me and far away at the same time. I couldn't decipher what they were saying; they were speaking in a different language. 

So I left everything on in the house and ran out of there as fast as I could. The next night, friend A and the one I'd stayed with (friend C) came to my house with me so I could get more clothes to wear for school. We were sitting in the living room on the couch when friend C's phone went off, saying that I'd texted her. She asked if I had texted her, but I told her no, and showed her that my phone had been in my pocket the whole time. Her face went pale, and when she showed me the text is when we got the hell out of my house. 

The text had read: "Do you hear the voices too?" A couple days later we went back again at night. This time it was only Friend A and me. I was sitting in the chair adjacent to the couch, which is what Friend A was sitting on, staring at my mom's room. The door was open so I could actually see inside of it. I was pretty sure I was stuck in psychological hell when I saw a black shadowy figure peek out from behind the door frame. It looked like it was waving at me. Hating to be afraid, and being the dummy I am, I glared at it. I can't remember if it had eyes or not, and for that I'm glad. 

While the one by the door was still looking at me, I'm sure it was looking at me; another figure began crawling up the wall in my mom's room and then onto the ceiling, like it was showing off. Friend A asked what I was glaring at, but for a few seconds I couldn't say anything. I couldn't look away from those shadowy figures. I was finally able to tell her, and we promptly got away. On the way to friend C's house, I would constantly see black figures peek out from behind trees. Some would even jump out and then back behind the trees, like they were playing a game. School was hell the next day. I kept drawing the black figures, and I couldn't focus. 

My mom had been at her boyfriends the whole time this was happening and so I told her what was happening. She went in her room and prayed. Nothing's bothered me since, but now I hardly ever go into her room especially at night. I've had paranormal encounters before, but never again will I be afraid as I was at that time. Any comments, opinions, and feedback are welcomed with open arms.
